Source code for saenopy.macro

import numpy as np
from .build_beams import build_beams
from .materials import Material
from typing import Sequence
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

[docs]def get_shear_rheometer_stress(gamma: np.ndarray, material: Material, s: np.ndarray = None) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): r""" This function returns the stress the material model generates when subjected to a shear strain, as seen in a shear rheometer. The shear strain is described using the following deformation gradient :math:`\mathbf{F}`: .. math:: \mathbf{F}(\gamma) = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & \gamma & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \\ \end{pmatrix} and the resulting stress is obtained by calculating numerically the derivative of the energy density :math:`W` with respect to the strain :math:`\gamma`: .. math:: \sigma(\gamma) = \frac{dW(\mathbf{F}(\gamma))}{d\gamma} Parameters ---------- gamma : ndarray The strain values for which to calculate the stress. material : :py:class:`~.materials.Material` The material model to use. Returns ------- strain : ndarray The strain values. stress : ndarray The resulting stress. """ if s is None: s = build_beams(30) F = np.eye(3) F = np.tile(F, (gamma.shape[0], 1, 1)) F[:, 0, 1] = gamma s_bar = F @ s.T s_abs = np.linalg.norm(s_bar, axis=-2) eps = - 1) W = np.mean(eps, axis=-1) dW = np.diff(W) / np.diff(gamma) return gamma[:-1] + np.diff(gamma) / 2, dW
[docs]def get_stretch_thinning(gamma_h, gamma_v, material, s=None): r""" This function returns the vertical thinning (strain in z direction) of the material model when the material model is stretched horizontally (strain in x direction), as seen in a stretcher device. The strain in x and z direction is described using the following deformation gradient :math:`\mathbf{F}`: .. math:: \mathbf{F}(\gamma) = \begin{pmatrix} \gamma_h & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \gamma_v \\ \end{pmatrix} the resulting energy density :math:`W(\mathbf{F}(\gamma_h,\gamma_v))` is then minimized numerically for every :math:`\gamma_h` to obtain the :math:`\gamma_v` that results in the lowest energy of the system. Parameters ---------- gamma_h : ndarray The applied strain in horizontal direction. gamma_v : ndarray The different values for thinning to test. The value with the lowest energy for each horizontal strain is returned. material : :py:class:`~.materials.Material` The material model to use. Returns ------- gamma_h : ndarray The horizontal strain values. gamma_v : ndarray The vertical strain that minimizes the energy for the horizontal strain. """ if s is None: s = build_beams(30) F00, F22 = np.meshgrid(gamma_v, gamma_h) F11 = np.ones_like(F00) F = np.dstack((F00, F11, F22)) s_bar = np.einsum("hvj,bj->hvjb", F, s) s_abs = np.linalg.norm(s_bar, axis=-2) eps = - 1) W = np.mean(eps, axis=-1) index = np.argmin(W, axis=1) return gamma_h, gamma_v[index]
[docs]def get_extensional_rheometer_stress(gamma, material, s=None): r""" This function returns the stress the material model generates when subjected to an extensional strain, as seen in an extensional rheometer. The extensional strain is described using the following deformation gradient :math:`\mathbf{F}`: .. math:: \mathbf{F}(\gamma) = \begin{pmatrix} \gamma & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \\ \end{pmatrix} and the resulting stress is obtained by calculating numerically the derivative of the energy density :math:`W` with respect to the strain :math:`\gamma`: .. math:: \sigma(\gamma) = \frac{dW(\mathbf{F}(\gamma))}{d\gamma} Parameters ---------- gamma : ndarray The strain values for which to calculate the stress. material : :py:class:`~.materials.Material` The material model to use. Returns ------- strain : ndarray The strain values. stress : ndarray The resulting stress. """ if s is None: s = build_beams(30) F = np.eye(3) F = np.tile(F, (gamma.shape[0], 1, 1)) F[:, 0, 0] = gamma s_bar = F @ s.T s_abs = np.linalg.norm(s_bar, axis=-2) eps = - 1) W = np.mean(eps, axis=-1) dW = np.diff(W) / np.diff(gamma) return gamma[:-1] + np.diff(gamma) / 2, dW
import numpy as np from scipy import interpolate import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from saenopy.materials import SemiAffineFiberMaterial def get_mapping(p, func, indices): m = func(p) mapping = [] for i in range(len(p)): pp = p.copy() pp[i] = pp[i]+1 mm = func(pp) for i in indices: if mm[i] != m[i]: mapping.append(True) break else: mapping.append(False) return mapping def minimize(cost_data: list, parameter_start: Sequence, method='Powell', maxfev:int = 1e4, MaterialClass=SemiAffineFiberMaterial, x_sample=20, colors=None, **kwargs): parameter_start = np.array(parameter_start) costs_shear = [] mapping_shear = np.array([False] * len(parameter_start)) plots_shear = [] costs_stretch = [] mapping_stretch = np.array([False] * len(parameter_start)) plots_stretch = [] index = 0 for func, data, params in cost_data: color = None if colors is not None: color = colors[index] index += 1 if func == get_stretch_thinning: mapping_stretch |= get_mapping(parameter_start, params, [1]) def getCost(func, data, params): stretchx = data[:, 0] stretchy = data[:, 1] ###lambda_h = np.arange(1 - 0.05, 1 + 0.07, 0.01) lambda_h = np.linspace(np.min(stretchx), np.max(stretchx), x_sample) ## fit complete input data regime lambda_v = np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.001) def cost(p): nonlocal parameter_start parameter_start = parameter_start.copy() parameter_start[mapping_stretch] = p p = params(parameter_start) material1 = MaterialClass(*p) x, y = get_stretch_thinning(lambda_h, lambda_v, material1) stretchy2 = interp1d(x, y, fill_value=np.nan, bounds_error=False)(stretchx) cost = np.nansum((stretchy2 - stretchy) ** 2) return cost def plot_me(color=color): material = MaterialClass(*params(parameter_start)) plt.plot(stretchx, stretchy, "o", label="data", color=color) x, y = get_stretch_thinning(lambda_h, lambda_v, material) plt.plot(x, y, "r-", lw=3, label="model") return cost, plot_me cost, plot = getCost(func, data, params) costs_stretch.append(cost) plots_stretch.append(plot) if func == get_extensional_rheometer_stress: mapping_shear |= get_mapping(parameter_start, params, [0, 2, 3]) def get_cost(func, data, params): shearx = data[:, 0] sheary = data[:, 1] x0 = shearx dx = x0[1] - x0[0] weights = np.diff(np.log(x0), append=np.log( x0[-1] + dx)) ** 2 # needs to be improved (based on spacing of data points in logarithmic space) gamma = np.linspace(np.min(x0), np.max(x0), x_sample) def cost(p): nonlocal parameter_start parameter_start = parameter_start.copy() parameter_start[mapping_shear] = p p = params(parameter_start) material1 = MaterialClass(*p) x, y = get_extensional_rheometer_stress(gamma, material1) stretchy2 = interp1d(x, y, fill_value=np.nan, bounds_error=False)(shearx) cost = np.nansum((np.log(stretchy2) - np.log(sheary)) ** 2 * weights) return cost def plot_me(color=color): material = MaterialClass(*params(parameter_start)) plt.loglog(shearx, sheary, "o", label="data", color=color) x, y = get_extensional_rheometer_stress(gamma, material) plt.loglog(x, y, "r-", lw=3, label="model") return cost, plot_me cost, plot = get_cost(func, data, params) costs_shear.append(cost) plots_shear.append(plot) if func == get_shear_rheometer_stress: mapping_shear |= get_mapping(parameter_start, params, [0, 2, 3]) def get_cost(func, data, params): shearx = data[:, 0] sheary = data[:, 1] x0 = shearx dx = x0[1] - x0[0] weights = np.diff(np.log(x0), append=np.log( x0[-1] + dx)) ** 2 # needs to be improved (based on spacing of data points in logarithmic space) gamma = np.linspace(np.min(x0), np.max(x0), x_sample) def cost(p): nonlocal parameter_start parameter_start = parameter_start.copy() parameter_start[mapping_shear] = p p = params(parameter_start) material1 = MaterialClass(*p) x, y = get_shear_rheometer_stress(gamma, material1) stretchy2 = interp1d(x, np.clip(y, 1e-9, None), fill_value=np.nan, bounds_error=False)(shearx) valid_indices = ~np.isnan(stretchy2) cost = np.nansum((np.log(stretchy2[valid_indices]) - np.log(sheary[valid_indices])) ** 2 * weights[valid_indices]) return cost def plot_me(color=color): material = MaterialClass(*params(parameter_start)) plt.loglog(shearx, sheary, "o", label="data", color=color) x, y = get_shear_rheometer_stress(gamma, material) plt.loglog(x, y, "r-", lw=3, label="model") return cost, plot_me cost, plot = get_cost(func, data, params) costs_shear.append(cost) plots_shear.append(plot) for i in range(5): for mapping, costs in [[mapping_shear, costs_shear], [mapping_stretch, costs_stretch]]: if len(costs) == 0: continue # define the cost function def cost(p): return sum([c(p) for c in costs]) # minimize the cost with reasonable start parameters from scipy.optimize import minimize sol = minimize(cost, parameter_start[mapping], method=method, options={'maxfev': maxfev}, **kwargs) parameter_start[mapping] = sol["x"] if len(costs_shear) == 0 or len(costs_stretch) == 0: break def plot_all(): subplot_count = (len(plots_stretch) > 0) + (len(plots_shear) > 0) if len(plots_shear): plt.subplot(1, subplot_count, 1) for plot in plots_shear: plot() plt.xlabel("strain") plt.ylabel("stress") if len(plots_stretch): plt.subplot(1, subplot_count, 1+(len(plots_stretch)>0)) for plot in plots_stretch: plot() plt.xlabel("horizontal stretch") plt.ylabel("vertical contraction") return parameter_start, plot_all