
Mesh definition

Saenopy uses only thetrahedral meshes. The mesh is defined by the N nodes and by the connectivity of the nodes by M thetrahedra.

Text files

Nodes are an Nx3 float array (three spatial dimensions). Units are in meters.

Nodes can be loaded from a .txt file structured like this

10e-6 0e-6 0e-6
20e-6 1e-6 0e-6
31e-6 1e-6 0e-6
41e-6 0e-6 0e-6
50e-6 0e-6 1e-6
60e-6 1e-6 1e-6
71e-6 1e-6 1e-6
81e-6 0e-6 1e-6

Connectivity is an Mx4 integer array (reference the node indices of the 4 corners).

The connectivity can be loaded from a .txt file structured like this

10 1 3 5
21 2 3 5
30 5 3 4
44 5 3 7
55 2 3 6
63 5 6 7

Both can be loaded using np.loadtxt and added to the solver using setNodes() and setTetrahedra().

1import numpy as np
2from saenopy import Solver
4# initialize the solver
5M = Solver()
6# load the nodes (units in meters)
8# load the connectivity

Gmsh file

If the mesh was created in gmsh, saenopy provides a loader to directly load files of the Gmsh format.

1from saenopy import load
3# load gmsh file and return a solver object with the mesh
4M = load.load_gmsh("mesh.msh")

Defining Inputs

Boundary Conditions

For using the Boundary Condition Mode, constraints for displacement (Nx3 array) and force (Nx3 array) have to be provided. For each node, either a displacement or a force needs to be given, the other has to be nan.

  • For a fixed node
    • the displacement should be provided (3 float values, in meters)

    • the force should left open (3 nan values)

  • For a free node,
    • the displacement should be left open (3 nan values)

    • the force should provided (3 float values, in Newtons).

10. 0. 0.
20. 0. 0.
3nan nan nan
4nan nan nan
50. 0. 0.
60. 0. 0.
7nan nan nan
8nan nan nan
1nan      nan nan
2nan      nan nan
3-2.5e-12 0.  0.
4-2.5e-12 0.  0.
5nan      nan nan
6nan      nan nan
7-2.5e-12 0.  0.
8-2.5e-12 0.  0.

Both can be loaded using np.loadtxt and added to the solver using setBoundaryCondition().

1# load the displacement constraints (in meters)
2node_displacement = np.loadtxt("constraint_displacement.txt")
3# load the force constraints (in Newton)
4node_force = np.loadtxt("constraint_force.txt")
5# hand the boundary conditions to the solver
6M.setBoundaryCondition(node_displacement, node_force)

Measured displacement

For using Regularization Mode, the measured (or target) displacement (Nx3 array, in meters) has to be provided for all nodes.

10       0 0
20       0 0
30.01e-6 0 0
40.01e-6 0 0
50       0 0
60.01e-6 0 0
70.01e-6 0 0
80       0 0

It can be loaded using np.loadtxt and added to the solver using setTargetDisplacements().

1node_displacement = np.loadtxt("measured_displacement.txt")